Welcome to the ninetieth episode of the Heart + Hustle podcast. We’re talking to Amber Dee. Amber is a business and life strategist who jump started her career after living in a small town in Georgia. Setting her goals early on allowed Amber to get her masters and become a counselor and once she realized she could help others reach their goals, she decided to start a business. We also talk about staying true to your values, philanthropy, and ways to keep a steady flow of work in your service-based business.
[Tweet “Growth won’t happen if you’re not intentional. via @theamberdee #BossSoHard”]
[Tweet “Even if you help one person, they can help more people. via @theamberdee”]
[Tweet “Realize you have more of a voice than you think you do. via @charismaokeefe”]

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Meet the hosts: Angelica Yarde and Charisma O’Keefe
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About Amber Dee:

My name is Amber Dee of The Amber Dee. I am a business coach and consultant for first time online entrepreneurs and the author of Girl, Get It Together. I also offer life coaching to women with a focus on millennials in transitional periods. I offer one-on-one coaching, online training courses, workshops, and host a business and life podcast.
Interview Links
Tip of the Week
"Growth won't happen if you're not intentional." - Amber Dee