Monday Mantra No. 3

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MondayMantra3One of the hardest parts of being an entrepreneur can be looking forward to the future and trusting your vision of what is coming. It is easy to be swept up in the moment and forget where we are actually headed. When naysayers and non-believers doubt us, sometimes we want to throw in the towel on our hopes and dreams. It can also be challenging to give up so much for future goals.

Don’t give up on what you want most for what you want now. What you want today might satisfy you in the moment but will it satisfy you for the month, a year, or a lifetime? In our instant gratification society, it can be hard to remember to strive towards what we really want, not just the fleeting things we want in the moment.

Are you wanting to buy a new home, go on an extended vacation, or invest a large amount of money into your business? Perhaps you want to hire your first employee or rent office space outside of your home. Whatever your goals are, personal and professional, remember to keep your eye on the prize and don’t give in to life’s daily temptations. Don’t blow your budget on Starbucks and Target’s bargain bin if you are trying to save for your business. Don’t give up on eating healthy because it will be awhile until you reach your physical goals. Don’t stop creating just because success doesn’t happen overnight. What you want most is much more important than that tempting setback and I know you have what it takes to give your goal your all. You’ve got this!